Sometimes a meat free meal is an absolute must! I will go meat free at least once a week, twice if I can and fish once a week too. I think it is a good thing to give your system a bit of a rest from time to time from trying to digest too much meat. And everytime I do prepare a meat free feast, The Other Half is pleasantly surprised at how a) tasty it is (I try not to be offended by this remark!) and b) how fulfilling he finds it. This time of year I like to take advantage of the masses of fresh local Kale that is in its growing element right now. It’s a vegetable with almost magical properties!
Sometimes I will munch on nothing more than a bowl of steamed kale seasoned with a little salt, lashings of pepper and a little spritz of lemon juice – pure heaven and if it doesn’t sort out whatever mental or physical lagging you might be under, then nothing will! There are many types of Kale – cavelo nero being my absolute favourite, and for this recipe you can choose whichever one is growing in your garden, for sale in your local farmers market or the supermarket. This recipe using lovely Curly Kale which works well with capturing plenty of the curried sauce that the kale and the chickpeas sit in. Plus this is a super quick recipe ready in about 20 mins. No need for rice, but a chapati or two might not go amiss! Eat yourself well with this and … Enjoy!
Devour immediately!
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