Kale Pesto – with a twist!

Pesto. Pesto, pesto, pesto.  Be honest…do we really need another pesto recipe in our lives?  Probably not, but necessity is the mother of all invention and also having shed loads of Kale growing in the garden will also make the cogs in your mind spin into overdrive as you wonder to yourself what the hell else you can make with it!

Pesto. Pesto, pesto, pesto.  Be honest…do we really need another pesto recipe in our lives?  Probably not, but necessity is the mother of all invention and also having shed loads of Kale growing in the garden will also make the cogs in your mind spin into overdrive as you wonder to yourself what the hell else you can make with it!

And so, we come to pesto.  But how to make it a little bit different and what then to serve it up with.  Now there’s a challenge, and so I came with the idea of substituting the typical Italian flavours of pesto with asian flavours that are so complimentary with Kale.

At around the same time I was looking at the seemingly endless amounts of greenery growing in my garden I finally gave into the hype and bought myself a spiraliser!  I’ve since fallen madly in love with this latest kitchen gadget of mine to the point where I am now looking at vegetables for their spiralling capabilities irrespective of whether I know what I’m going to be cooking with them after I have turned them into veggie spaghetti!

My lovely spiraliser!


Anyhoo, I digress.  I had my spiraliser (right at the perfect moment for courgette season to really kick off, joy of joys!), I had my kale pesto (with a twist) and an idea on how to put the whole lot together!  So here we go…!


  • 200g Kale (I used Russian Kale, but any kind will do!)
  • 75g blanched almonds (soak in boiling water for at least 5 mins)
  • Thumb sized piece of ginger
  • 1 clove of smoked garlic
  • Pinch of dried child flakes
  • 1/2 tsp on sesame oil
  • Zest of a lime
  • Sea salt and freshly cracked black pepper


  • Whack everything into a food processor and blitz until smooth.
  • Check for seasoning and adjust to your pallet.

How simple is that?

How to eat it?

  • Spread it on crackers and add a couple of kale flowers on top!


  • Spiralise a bunch of courgettes, blanche them and coat in warmed through pesto.    Serve up with lime, soy and honey glazed salmon and some well seasoned quinoa for a super healthy, super easy midweek dinner.



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