I fear I can barely contain my excitement about the fact that it is finally full-blown squash season once more! Yes, yes I know…it's all a bit "drama, drama" but genuinely, if autumn is my favourite food season, then the Squash is sitting pretty, right at the top of my pile of food loves, wearing a crown and winking!
I fear I can barely contain my excitement about the fact that it is finally full-blown squash season once more! Yes, yes I know…it’s all a bit “drama, drama” but genuinely, if autumn is my favourite food season, then the Squash is sitting pretty, right at the top of my pile of food loves, wearing a crown and winking!
Cucurbits is the family name given to all squash and pumpkins that also include courgettes and the things that get turned in loofah’s (are they called “loofah’s” before they become so? Is “loofah’s” the correct plural for “loofah”? Who knows? Answers on a postcard please!) I think that it must also include cucumbers and maybe possibly aubergines too. Sometimes life is too short for such research, and mainly in this instance because I want you to proceed immediately to your kitchen and make this soup. You can thank me later in the comments below!
Can I just say at the outset that, although I am all about the flavour, this soup can have the capacity to look unattractive so a little time spent on presentation at the end will work wonders as the photo of the finished product will attest to. I also want to note to you, dear reader, that in this instance I used a magnificent Crown Prince squash which has attributed greatly to the slightly bogie-green hue to the soup. However, any squash or pumpkin will suffice for this soup so the final colour could range from bogie-green to sunshine yellow depending on the squash chosen, grown or available.
A final note on soup. I love soup. I am considering writing a whole piece on the art of making good soup. There are fewer things in this world that can satisfy you like a delicious bowl of soup can. It’s a gift of a thing. You’ll notice that in amongst the blog are quite a few soup recipes. Please don’t dismiss them…soup is a wonderful thing and endlessly versatile, fulfilling and nutritious – not to mention thrifty!
The chestnuts are obviously seasonal, but I had some left over from a photo-shoot I did for “Alternative Christmas Ideas” (coming to a publication near you soon) and you know me and my thoughts on food waste, No Sir, it shall not be tolerated! Super simple and super tasty, but don’t forget that all important garnish!
Ingredients (makes 4 small or 2 very generous portions):
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