I'm not big into drinking fizzy soda's. I still think of them as a treat, a throwback to my childhood days when fizzy drinks were always considered a treat reserved for birthdays and Christmas. But the one fizzy drink that I do hanker after, even as a should-know-better adult, is Lilt.
I’m not big into drinking fizzy soda’s. I still think of them as a treat, a throwback to my childhood days when fizzy drinks were always considered a treat reserved for birthdays and Christmas. But the one fizzy drink that I do hanker after, even as a should-know-better adult, is Lilt.
With it’s “Totally Tropical Taste” trio of flavours: lemon, lime and pineapple, I just felt it offered a little more sophistication than it’s rivals. Plus the jingle was really, really catchy and impossible to repeat without a very, very bad Jamaican accent. This cake, then, is a celebration of a taste of childhood that I’ll never probably grow out of – and I really don’t mind that at all!
I have “adulted” up this cake a bit though. This is my well-worn euphemism for “I have added alcohol to this recipe” – you’ll find it cropping up quite a lot in my recipe writing, especially in desserts. If you have little darlings of your own, simply leave it out. Alternatively, make one exactly like this for you and give the kids fresh pineapple and ice cream instead. Sorted!
This is a flourless cake but isn’t gluten free as it contains semolina. If you wanted to make it completely gluten free, you could use entirely ground almonds or substitute the semolina for rice flour. Although rice flour is drying, you will be pouring a small vat of syrup over the whole cake which should amply make up for it.
A note on Pineapples: at the time of writing, Pineapples are in season in the Caribbean, so in autumn this is where we get our juicy fruits from. However, the destruction in The Bahama’s following Hurricane Dorian will not doubt have an impact on supply, and anyway, given that so many have lost so much, I would advocate keeping as much food grown in the Caribbean for the Caribbean people so they can actually feed themselves. So, on that sobering note, if you have a tin of Pineapple lingering in the back of your cupboard, use that instead of buying a fresh one. Keep the juice when you drain them, and make a cocktail out of it using white rum, lemon, lime and soda water and raise a toast to those who are a lot less comfortable than we are right now.
Ingredients (serves 8-10 depending on slice size, and I’m not judging!):
For the cake batter
For the syrup
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