Restaurant Review: BIA, a new tasty mouthful for Bantry

If ever there was a food stuff that bonded two countries together so closely, it is the Irish and French adoration of shed loads of butter/buerre. Whether you are still a butter skeptic, a butter convert or sitting firmly on the aluminium rails of the farmgate, there is one universal truth that the epicureans of these two great nations agree on - everything tastes better with butter!

Restaurant Review: BIA, a new tasty mouthful for Bantry

If ever there was a food stuff that bonded two countries together so closely, it is the Irish and French adoration of shed loads of butter/buerre. Whether you are still a butter skeptic, a butter convert or sitting firmly on the aluminium rails of the farmgate, there is one universal truth that the epicureans of these two great nations agree on – everything tastes better with butter!

BIA Restaurant, The Bantry Bay, Main Street, Bantry T: 027 55789


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Fancy a Brew? Warming the Pot at the West Cork Brewing Company

They say the best ideas are generated over a pint with friends. They also say some of the best products were born in a basement or garage. These are universal truths (insert artistic licence here). Imagine then an idea that was first mooted over a pint of mass market commercial beer in a local bar and later formed in the basement of that same local bar. The end product of such a partnership is bound to be a thing of pure joy.

Continue reading “Fancy a Brew? Warming the Pot at the West Cork Brewing Company”

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