Chocolate Stout Pulled Venison

I love autumn - every little colourful part of it. Of all the seasonal changes, summer into autumn is the one that really gets me excited. From chunky knits to the first log fire; blackberry and rosehip picking, apples and pears, pumpkins and game season. It's simple impossible not to fall in love with it. And that's something coming from someone who feels the cold in the height of summer!

It's not often that I can get my hands on the tantalising wild venison hand cured salami from the amazing Gubbeen Farmhouse, expertly made by the hands of Fingal Ferguson in the sleepy West Cork village of Schull (pronounced Skull). I remember the first time I came across it.

Chocolate Stout Pulled Venison

I love autumn – every little colourful part of it. Of all the seasonal changes, summer into autumn is the one that really gets me excited. From chunky knits to the first log fire; blackberry and rosehip picking, apples and pears, pumpkins and game season. It’s simple impossible not to fall in love with it. And that’s something coming from someone who feels the cold in the height of summer!

If you were to ask me what my favourite bit about autumn is, I’d struggle with an answer for a moment or two and then relent: game season, always game season!

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Red Wine Risotto with Wild Venison Salami

It’s not often that I can get my hands on the tantalising wild venison hand cured salami from the amazing Gubbeen Farmhouse, expertly made by the hands of Fingal Ferguson in the sleepy West Cork village of Schull (pronounced Skull). I remember the first time I came across it.

 It was about 8 years ago, and I was just settling into life in West Cork and becoming connected with my inner game keeper.  I was all about the Venison!  The only time I had the pleasure of eating it before was during a holiday in the Highlands of Scotland. We stayed in a country house B&B and the lady of the house was the most amazing cook.  We dined there overnight on a feast of the best wild Scottish produce in a tarted clad dining room, waited on by a man wearing a sporran (among other things).  Taxidermy abound with things stuffed in display cases and stag heads on the wall.   I always think of Scotland through that oculus, even though I have a different experience each time I visit.  Those meals in that dining room to me is Scotland in a snapshot.

Continue reading “Red Wine Risotto with Wild Venison Salami”

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